TikTok is a short-form video app. It has over 100 million monthly active users and has taken the world by storm. It was initially known as. The app focuses on sharing 15-second video clips, often set to music licensed from artists and labels.
The app is divided into two main feeds. The default is For You, a video stream generated with an algorithm similar to Instagram’s Explore page. Swipe left to find other followings featuring uploads from people you choose to follow. TikTok is like a never-ending variety show. Follow creators who make you laugh and entertain.
You’ll notice a series of icons to the right of every video. The first one takes you to the profile of the person you posted it to. Then there are hearts that function like hearts or likes on Instagram. Next is a comment and arrow to the right for sharing individual TikToks to other platforms. For example, click the arrow to copy the link to a specific TikTok and share it on i Message.
New to TikTok
The first thing you’ll need are headphones. There is no way to enjoy TikTok with the sound off. Download the app and you can start exploring videos right away. However, you must sign up for an account to post directly.
You can create an account using your email, phone number, or third-party platform such as Facebook Lite. The app automatically assigns a username.
By default, your TikTok account is public, anyone can view your profile and see the videos you post. You can adjust these privacy settings in your profile.
TikTok and Big Brands
The app is used not only by 14-year-old who lip sync, but also by comedians, athletes, and famous brands. Major corporations such as Coca-Cola, Nike, ABC, and Google run advertising campaigns on TikTok. You can also create and share TikToks you create for fun or for your global fan base. Content creators commonly use it as a stepping stone to social media promotion. If you don’t want to install this app, you can visit the TikTok website and enjoy trending videos.
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